If you’ve attended CultureCon, you may have seen Dr. Niraj Nijhawan‘s presentation that simplifies brain science. He helps you to apply actionable strategies to shift from reactive Lower-Brain patterns to the more fearless, solution-focused Higher Brain. Now Dr. Raj is teaming up with a truly masterful facilitator, Darin Harris, to lead a two-day evidence-based program to transform your leadership skills and help you become more resilient.

I’ve learned from and collaborated with Darin Harris and Dr. Raj and can tell you that these two are on a mission to help others learn, change and transform. They can help you build capacity for self regulation under challenging situations. I feel this is a critical leadership and professional skill in our current times…brain awareness and shifting our mental state for resilience.

Here’s more about their program and the link to register:

Join Higher Brain Power, a transformative two-day course on March 31–April 1, 2025, at the Monona Terrace Conference Center in Madison, WI.

Frustrated by a culture of cliques, unhealthy competition, resistance to change, and negativity? Are you having trouble sleeping, anxious, or depressed?

What You’ll Gain:
-A Leadership Toolkit: Tools to meet emotional and functional needs, foster purpose, and drive personal and team growth.
-Enhanced Performance: Learn methods to improve learning, performance metrics, and engagement while reducing stress and increasing creative joy.
-Practical Tools: Evidence-based strategies for clarity, adaptability, and collaboration to help your team and community thrive.

Key Takeaways:
-Activate Motivation: Use outcome-driven tools to strengthen Higher Brain functionality.
-Predict Success: Master the two critical predictors of excellence, success, happiness, and connection.
-Embrace Discomfort: Turn challenges into growth opportunities by leveraging discomfort.
-Life as a Gym: Build Higher Brain resilience through everyday experiences.
-Transform Quickly: Identify and shift from Lower-Brain reactivity to Higher-Brain focus.

Higher Brain Power!
Fear-Less, Impact-More

Resilience Training Workshop – Higher Brain Power Program Developers and Facilitators

Dr. Niraj Nijhawan
Dr. Niraj (Raj) Nijhawan
Dr. Niraj (Raj) Nijhawan is a practicing physician. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1992, and completed a medical residency in Anesthesiology/Critical Care. Dr. Nijhawan received a National Institute of Health Scientist Training Grant where he acquired a Master’s Degree in clinical research. He has spent nearly 30 years cataloging, practicing. teaching, and helping people integrate the latest knowledge from the realms of medical, social, and neuroscience into their lives.

Darin Harris
Darin Harris

Darin Harris is co-founder of Living Giving Enterprises, an organizational and leadership development company. For over 25 years, Darin has led people, programs, and projects to unparalleled performance. Local, state, federal, and international public sector, non-profit, and private, for-profit organizations call on his expertise in organizational consulting and facilitation. He draws from a suite of professional skills including group facilitation and problem-solving, strategic planning, process improvement, project management, and policy analysis and evaluation. In 2007, he teamed with FacilitatorU to create a comprehensive, week-long facilitative leadership program called Journey of Facilitation and Collaboration (JoFC) that has drawn nearly 800 participants from across the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Register or learn more about this program.