We’d like to feature Harvard Business Review’s interactive model, “A New Approach to Research”. Contributors – both alumni and students – create seven concepts for “The Capitalist’s Dilemma”; these core ideas are based on posts to an online forum, which are interconnected in a web of thought.
Alumni Karim Lakhani and Matt Tucker worked on this project with students in the course, “Building and Sustaining a Successful Enterprise” through alumnus’ Tom Hulme’s OI engine platform, OpenIDEO.
What makes this article a worthwhile read is the collaborative efforts from both experienced businessmen and students: those who know what works today and those who have a vision of what the future will be. It is this collaboration from all levels of experience may not necessarily be a new approach to research, but companies and researchers alike can take a note from Harvard Business Review’s experiment when approaching the inevitable cycle of old habits and sub-par performance. The layout of the posts to construct a web of thoughts represents the interconnectivity of the two parties. The result? A strategic and creative way to inspire business.
You explore the infographic map in the article, “The Capitalist’s Dilemma” here: http://hbr.org/web/infographic/2014/06/a-new-approach-to-research