Design thinking certificate programs

Design Thinking Certificate Program

Learn about design thinking certificate programs that blend design thinking training, innovation workshops, design thinking online courses, innovation assessments, coaching, and other unique project-based experiences and reflection.

Storytelling for Leaders Workshop

Storytelling for Leaders. Learn about one of our favorite leadership storytelling training workshops on the important topic of transformation as well as some quotes about what the storytelling workshop experience was like for participants.
Culture of Innovation Leadership Workshop

Leading a Culture of Innovation with Design Thinking Facilitation

We have collaborated with over 100 organizations for a variety of in-person and virtual innovation, design thinking, and leadership workshops and events. One of our favorite topic focus areas is helping people lead and facilitate design thinking for a culture (and mindset) of innovation.
Innovation Impact Assessment

Innovation Impact Assessment

This blog post explores the Innovation ImpactTM - a diagnostic instrument from Prof. Jeanne Liedtka and Treehouse Innovation.
innovator scorecard assessment survey

Innovation Test with the Innovator Scorecard Assessment

You can reflect on questions and take an innovation test below to self-assess your own leadership for innovation with the Innovator Scorecard. The assessment is about 20 questions in length and takes about 3 minutes to complete.