Innovation Training | Design Thinking Workshops

Innovation Workshop in Action

Here are picture posts shared on social media by our clients from different innovation workshops and design thinking training events we've designed, developed and facilitated. The highly interactive design thinking

Design Thinking Course from Stanford D School

Stanford Design Thinking Course Stanford Design School shares their "crash course in design thinking" to be used by everyone. It's a short and fast-paced 90 minute workshop with an overview of how

Online Tools for Innovation

Innovative resources for webinars, communicating, & collaborating I did a 4 part online workshop series with a group of 50 educators and entrepreneurs on online tools for communication. We got people
Innovation Training | Design Thinking Workshops

Creating a Culture of Innovation

Developing new products or services through innovation Creating a culture of innovation is very important to many organizations seeking to innovate. They want to not only develop new product, service, or