design thinking career jobs

Careers and Jobs in Design Thinking

Design thinking can be quite general and may be a skill you will see more and more in a wide variety of position descriptions. While there may not be many jobs where the position is listed as "design thinker," there are many different kind of roles that utilize design thinking heavily. Read this article to learn about the design thinking careers and jobs that can utilize design thinking skills.
Learn how to learn agility in this training guide.

Learning Agility Training Guide

Learning agility is the ability to learn and adapt quickly in a changing environment. It's about being able to take what you've learned in one situation and apply it to a new and different situation. Learning agility is a key skill for individuals and organizations alike, as it allows them to stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.
Agile Learning

What is Agile Learning?

Agile Learning is a flexible and adaptive approach to learning that is designed to help individuals and organizations quickly adapt to changing needs and circumstances. By incorporating elements of Agile methodology into learning processes, we can improve our ability to learn new skills, adapt to changing circumstances, and stay competitive in an ever-changing environment.
Discover what Just-in-Time learning is in this guide.

Just-in-Time Learning

Just-in-time (JIT) learning is a flexible approach that provides learners with quick access to the information they need when they need it. In this guide, we will explore the concept of just-in-time learning, its benefits, and how you can use it to improve your skills.
Learn about self-directed learning for professional development.

Self-Directed Learning for Professional Development

Self-directed learning is a process in which individuals take ownership of their own learning and development. It involves identifying learning goals, creating a plan for achieving those goals, and taking responsibility for monitoring progress and adjusting the plan as needed. Self-directed learners are proactive and take initiative in seeking out learning opportunities, both formal and informal.

Agile Learning Guide for Learning How to Learn

Learning how to learn could be the most important skill to develop for the present and the future. What if you focused on your agile learning skills and enhanced your own learning agility? You can learn how to do this for a real purpose or project like learning to use ChatGPT or other AI tools for your unique work.
Learn how to learn

30 Things You Might Not Know about Learning How to Learn

Here are 30 things that many people may not know about learning how to learn and skill development: Learning how to learn is a skill that can be learned and developed just like any other skill. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning, so it's important to find a method that works best for you.
Johari Window Training Guide

Johari Window Training Guide

Have you heard the expression "you don't know what you don't know?" Or, are you trying to understand the "unknown unknowns" to help yourself develop or make better decisions in your work? The Johari Window is a framework that can shed light on this concept. Explore our guide to learn more.
Books that can help you become a better learner.

Top Books for Learning How to Learn

Finding better ways to learn and process information is vital in every area of our lives. In this article, we'll share some of the top books that can help you become a better learner.