I’ve got conferences on my mind these days. When I ask most conference organizers about their vision for a great conference, the answer is usually the same: to get attendees connecting with each other, sharing challenges and ideas, and building relationships that last long after the event is over.

Listening Learning Developing CultureCon Conference

CultureCon is one of my favorite conferences to attend each year because they excel at fostering these connections, yielding lasting results for me and many other participants I met. At the last CultureCon, I witnessed the magic of 30-minute breaks between sessions. It’s almost like the sessions exist to make these breaks possible. The real value might not be so much in the sessions themselves but the conversations and connections that happen in between. Real collaborations form as a result.

CultureCon also designs in great pre-conference and post-conference experiences that are connection heavy. Hat tip to Nick, Zach, and many other CultureCon volunteers who bring this to life.

About the CultureCon Conference

Here’s how CultureCon describes their conference:

“We believe every individual has the capacity to change workplace culture.

Attend CultureCon 2024 to explore the latest employee experience strategies and innovations that shape an engaging, inclusive, and productive working environment. Whether you’re an executive, team leader, seasoned HR professional, or simply passionate about positive organizational culture, CultureCon 2024 offers a unique opportunity to network with industry leaders, participate in dynamic workshops, and discover the latest trends in cultivating a culture that creates a better world of work.

Every experience is built to equip you with pragmatic, actionable plans that can be quickly applied at your organization. Real, practical tools to transform your organization’s culture from the inside out.”

CultureCon Pre-Conference Session

AND…I’ll be designing and leading the “Innovate your Culture” CultureCon Pre-Conference workshop again this year. It’s always a blast of a design thinking/facilitation experience that launches people into the full conference with a team of people they now know and can collaborate with.

CultureCon Conference Discount Code

As a speaker I can provide a code to participants for a 20% discount to the CultureCon conference. You can use the Innovation20 code in this link: https://ti.to/culture-con/culturecon2024/discount/INNOVATION20

What Attendees Say about CultureCon

I’ve shared my experience and here’s what other attendees say:

“Everything feels intentional. The sessions and events were thoughtfully designed to make connections through stories, networking, ideas, and resources – all with varying ways of taking action back in your own life.”

“One 15-minute conversation at CultureCon could change your whole perspective on workplace culture. It’s a great place to bring a problem set, work through it, and make lifelong connections along the way.”

“CultureCon is about being around people who are positive, who are committed to driving positive change around company culture. The value for your own health and wellbeing radiates throughout the conference.”

“I attend a lot of conferences and this was top 5% from a content perspective. Every session was top notch and the topics were all incredibly relevant. And for the culture enthusiast that maybe isn’t so enthusiastic about traditional HR functions, this was a home run.”

“Bottom line: CultureCon is worth the investment. It combines actionable insights with the opportunity to make real connections with people. If you are on the fence, come!”

Final Thoughts on CultureCon

I agree with what attendees are saying! I hope to see you at the next CultureCon conference. It’s the one conference I hold in my calendar each year and have done so for many years. Just yesterday I attended an event I was invited to by a new friend I made from CultureCon. At this event I met a table full of wonderful people and am continuing the connection with deeper dive meetings with them. All of this happened because of meeting one person at CultureCon. There are ripple effects because of the focus on connection.