Explore this model for facilitation with AI

As I’ve been training facilitators on how to use AI in their workshops sessions, and programs, I’ve been thinking about a simple model to explain how AI is used in a session by the various participants. This “Facilitating with AI” model presents a framework by dividing both Facilitators and Participants into categories that highlight different levels of AI integration. Here’s a text-based layout of this 6-quadrant model:


  1. Human Facilitators
    • Fully human-led, traditional facilitation where the facilitator is fully in control, directing and managing group dynamics without AI support.
  2. Human Facilitator with AI Co-Facilitator
    • AI assists the human facilitator by synthesizing participant insights, suggesting directions, or providing feedback. For example, AI might help identify key themes in real-time or recommend next steps based on participants’ input.
  3. AI-Only Facilitator
    • An AI-powered facilitator (e.g., a GPT-based chatbot or HeyGen Interactive Avatar) guides participants through a session or process without direct human involvement. Participants engage by following AI prompts, allowing autonomous facilitation through voice or chat.


  1. Human Participants
    • Participants interact with a facilitator and each other without direct AI support. Traditional setup where human input and interaction drive the session.
  2. Human Participants with AI Co-Pilot
    • Each participant uses an AI “sidekick” to enhance their ideation or decision-making process. For instance, participants might have ChatGPT open to generate ideas or refine their responses during the session.
  3. AI Participants
    • AI entities or synthetic users simulate participant behavior. This could include AI generating ideas, participating in ideation sessions, or even making decisions. Facilitators may use this approach to simulate input for testing scenarios or gaining AI-driven perspectives.

This model gives facilitators a structured view of how to incorporate AI at various levels, from a purely human-centric approach to full AI facilitation, helping them choose the best balance for their specific needs.


HumanHuman FacilitatorHuman Participants
– Fully human-led– Traditional human interaction
– No AI involvement– No AI involvement
HybridHuman Facilitator with AI Co-FacilitatorHuman Participants with AI Co-Pilot
– AI assists in synthesizing insights, selecting directions, and providing feedback– AI “sidekick” for ideation & decision-making
AIAI-Only FacilitatorAI Participants
– Autonomous interactive avatar or GPT-based facilitator guides the session– AI-driven responses & interactions
– Synthetic users simulate behavior
– AI generates ideas & decisions

Facilitating with AI: A model for group facilitators

See our post about AI facilitation training for more on this topic.