The Six Thinking Hats technique by Edward de Bono provides a clear path for exploring every angle and unleashing the full potential of collaborative thinking.
While not as robust as some of our favorite visual, agile, and design thinking collaborative tools, Whiteboard Fox was an early innovation and is a simple and easy to use digital whiteboard tool. Learn more about it in our latest blog.
The 100 ideas exercise is a high-energy brainstorming technique designed to generate a large number of ideas in a relatively short period of time. The aim is to encourage free thinking, creative problem-solving, and push beyond obvious solutions.
Miro, one of our favorite providers of digital collaborative whiteboard platforms, has once again raised the bar with the introduction of its innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) feature.
Here's a demonstration of how to use AI to brainstorm or generate ideas. Follow the video demo for a different way to brainstorm or ideate new ideas or directions.
Find templates from Miro for ideation exercises and ideation activities. Whether you are working remotely or are collaborating together in person, these templates can help you generate ideas quickly!
Anyone can come up with ideas, solutions, or begin collaborating with others to come up with a viable solution to a challenge. In this article, we'll share a series of methods that can help you generate many ideas quickly and efficiently.
Find training resources and templates for the reverse brainstorming technique at Innovation Training, your resource for all things innovation and design thinking.
Nominal Group Technique (NGT) for Collaborative Solutions and Decisions: Learn about the nominal group technique (NGT) problem-solving and solution generating approach. Learn the steps of NGT and why or how to facilitate it.