Learn about our intrapreneurship program. This program aims to demystify the concept of intrapreneurship, harnessing individual strengths and interests to drive innovation through design thinking.
While not as robust as some of our favorite visual, agile, and design thinking collaborative tools, Whiteboard Fox was an early innovation and is a simple and easy to use digital whiteboard tool. Learn more about it in our latest blog.
Enhance your leadership skills with a facilitator training course. Learn to design and lead engaging meetings and workshops effectively. Transform your approach now with facilitation training to be a more innovative facilitator!
The 100 ideas exercise is a high-energy brainstorming technique designed to generate a large number of ideas in a relatively short period of time. The aim is to encourage free thinking, creative problem-solving, and push beyond obvious solutions.
When choosing a collaborative, digital whiteboard tool to use with your innovation team, it can be difficult to know which one is the best option for your specific needs. In this article, we’ll cover a features comparison looking at the top options Lucidspark vs Miro!
These are some of the most popular innovation exercises to try with teams in workshops, conferences, sessions, or other events. Innovate your innovation practice!
These activities are designed to help organizations get started with innovation. Our ability to adapt and innovate is essential in an ever-changing technological landscape. Businesses and organizations who want to stay
Top Questions about Innovation What are the most popular or common questions people have about innovation? What are the frequently asked questions about innovation? We used our AI tools to identify
We partnered with Adobe to create and lead a design thinking certificate program for about 100 learning & development and customer experience leaders as a part of the Adobe Learning