These sustainability planning templates from digital whiteboard tools like Miro can help you plan sustainable initiatives at your organization or business.
Imagine running an innovation project with a group on a virtual collaborative whiteboard where people are connecting and co-creating with each other as well as generative AI tools like ChatGPT or whatever features are on the tools we are using. Our focus is to utilize AI during the training and engage others in learning through doing with AI as well with their own innovation challenge.
We've gathered the best customer experience mapping templates from top digital whiteboard tools like Miro and Lucidspark. Find our list and links to get the templates for yourself here.
Figjam AI by Figma: Revolutionize Your Design Collaboration: We are impressed with the Figjam AI features from Figma. It's fun to use, looks nice, and works well on the virtual whiteboard. You can do the usual idea generation and sorting activities with it but our favorite feature involves using AI for creating a custom session plan with activities that you could facilitate on the whiteboard.
Leverage the groundbreaking Miro Template with TalkTrack created by Jake Knapp to help you learn how to run a design sprint. It's like a free online course with digital materials to use!
With its versatile set of features, Figma empowers designers to create beautiful and functional designs seamlessly. One of its standout features is the availability of templates for various design tasks. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best Figma templates for collaboration, planning, and design thinking.