The Future Of Distributed Energy Finance

Description of Duke School of Business Video: In a post cash grant, post tax credit world, what will the U.S. energy portfolio look like and how will financing evolve to

Business Models For Social Entrepreneurs

Description of Duke School of Business Video: From the "How Business Models, Capital Markets, and Ecosystems Help Scale Social Change" CASE event on October 22, 2010. Matt Nash, Cathy Clark,

Create More Value Than You Capture

Description of Stanford Entrepreneurship Video: Sharing inspirations from both innovative companies and works of art, entrepreneur and technology sage Tim O'Reilly weaves together a series of thoughtful lessons for startups.

What You Learn by Doing

Description of Stanford Entrepreneurship Video: Pulse Co-Founders Akshay Kothari and Ankit Gupta were curious Stanford graduate students always interested in taking on side projects to learn something new. In this

Own Your Own Success

Description of Stanford Entrepreneurship Video: Kate Mitchell, managing director of Scale Venture Partners, demonstrates why an optimistic, but realistic mindset is a central key for successful entrepreneurs. Mitchell also challenges

Leading Big Visions From the Heart

Description of Stanford Entrepreneurship Video: Asana Co-Founder Justin Rosenstein shares the philosophy and experiences that drive him to create positive impact on the world. Rosenstein also unpacks the values Asana

From Lockup to Startup

Description of Stanford Entrepreneurship Video: Imagine trying to bring entrepreneurship education to one of the most challenging environments in the world: San Quentin State Prison in California. In this powerful

Pursuing Opportunities and Pivoting to Growth

Description of Harvard Business School Video: Marla Malcolm Beck (MBA 1998), CEO and Cofounder, Bluemercury, Inc. Janet Kraus, MBA Class of 1954 Senior Lecturer of Business Administration Thai Lee (MBA 1985), President

The Mideast’s New Resource: Entrepreneurs

Description of Milken Institute Video: The Mideast's New Resource: Entrepreneurs Christopher Schroeder, author of "Startup Rising" Moderated by Jonathan Spalter, chairman of Mobile Future November 11, 2013 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Santa Monica Amid the chaotic

There is Always a Way Forward

Description of Stanford Entrepreneurship Video: Serial entrepreneur Dr. Matthew Rabinowitz discusses how letting go of ego can empower entrepreneurs to solve problems that change the quality of life. As the